Sam and Annette Smith


1) How long have you been a member of the SBSC?   Following a 25 year break from Shag, we joined last fall after taking Beginner I.
2) What do you enjoy most about SBSC?  Rekindling old friendships, meeting new folks and watching others dance
3) What are your hobbies and interest?  Reading, walking/hiking, fishing
4) What is your favorite shag song?  I like them all.
5) Where is your favorite place to dance?  Elks Lodge
6) Who is your favorite DJ?  Steve Coley
7) What is your vision for the SBSC?  I would like to attract younger members in order to keep the dance alive.


1) How long have you been a member of the SBSC?  Since last fall.
2) What do you enjoy most about SBSC?  I like the music, the memories it brings to mind, watching good dancers, and the opportunities that the club offers.
3) What are your hobbies and interest?  Reading, gardening, hiking
4) What is your favorite shag song?  "I Love Beach Music"
5) Where is your favorite place to dance?  Elks Lodge but looking forward to our first SOS experience in September.
6) Who is your favorite DJ?  Steve Coley
7) What is your vision for the SBSC?  Making more people aware of SBSC's existence and the fun it offers