Nancy Johnson



1) How long have you been a member of the SBSC?
2) What do you enjoy most about SBSC?
3) What are your hobbies and interest?
4) What is your favorite shag song?
5) Where is your favorite place to dance?
6) Who is your favorite DJ?
7) What is your vision for the SBSC? 



1) I have been a SBSC member for eight months.


2) SBSC has very warm and friendly members, and some truly fabulous shaggers!


3) I easily log 900 miles a week in my car (I'm a social worker for Cleveland County) so I listen to music to keep the energy up. I have a wonderful family- hanging out with them is top priority. Both of my children have homes in the Charleston area. My daughter Caitlin, 26, works for the state of SC in intensive parole.  My son Danny, 32, is finishing his ninth season in pro basketball-he is flying home from Egypt this week as the new national champions.  Both have become parents of little boys in the past year and a half -playing with my grandbabies is the best.  My sister, Robin, lives in California-occasionally I fly out to Orange County and we spa together.


4) Carolina Girls-Best in the World!  Because we are!


5) There's no place like home. The Elk's Lodge is a great facility-SBSC is blessed to have its use.


6) SBSC's very own Hitman, Steve Coley. Steve has great musical knowledge and an impeccable sense of timing.  He keeps the dance floor popping!


7) SBSC is destined to become one of the premiere shag clubs in the association.  We have it all: strong leadership, hardworking and friendly members, great facility with beautiful party decor, delicious food at the dances, a top in-house dj, the world's best event bartender, and a love of shag dancing that unites us all. We have a future full of fun and great memories.  United we dance!