Sandy Beach Shag Club Members of the Month Prior to 2010



Previous Members of the Month for March 2009: Judy and Glen Boston


                            Judy and Glen Boston


Previous Members of the Month for February 2009:  Libby Burns, Jim Brittain



                Libby Burns                           Jim Brittain         


Previous Members of the Month for December 2008:  Jeff Morse and Lela Gregory, Jim and Georgia Cates




         Jeff Morse and Lela Gregory                       Georgia and Jim Cates



Previous Members of the Month for October 2008: Ken Murray, Carolyn Pruett



     Carolyn Pruett and Ken Murray


Previous Members of the Month for October 2008: Andy St. John, Susan Lehn


              Andy St. John  &  Susan Lehn


Previous Members of the Month for August 2008: Jim Noggle, Robin Blalock




noggle                               robinb

                              Jim Noggle                                                                                                               Robin Blalock


 Previous Members of the Month for June 2008: Marlene and Gary Barlow, Nancy Johnson

mandg1                             nancyj2

 Marlene and Gary Barlow                                              Nancy Johnson




Previous Members of the Month for May 2008: Alan Brown, Louise Dockery

alanlouise1                    a&l

                                     Alan Brown                                     Louise Dockery                                    Members of the month dance



Previous Members of the Month for March 2008: Ron Lancaster, Judy Lane





                                                                         Ron dancing with Paula                                                                              Judy Lane



Previous Members of the Month for February 2008: In honor of Valentine’s Day, two Valentine Couples of the month have been selected.
Debbie and Dean Friesland, and Denny and Marie Young



The Frieslands Left and the Youngs Right


Previous Members of the Month for January 2008: Ruby Webb and Sanford Clark- Click on the Member’s name to learn more about them.

Thank-you Ruby and Sanford for always being present and supporting our club.  Your loyalty to and willingness to help our club is priceless. Hats off to both of you!!!





Sanford Clark and Ruby Webb